On The Turning Away
That song pretty much sums things up pretty well. Today is just on the extreme of craptastic.
I guess it started off this afternoon when my sister called to tell me that I needed to have the idiot pick up the boy child, and that he was getting on her nerves and that she wasn’t planning on calling Mj and waking him up because he’d been working. (I suppose I was caught off guard by her attitude and how she wasn’t going to call Mj, that he didn’t have gas etc.) I didn’t automatically respond, ended up on the shit list.
I tell her ok, I”ll call the kids’ dad and see if he can find a ride to go and pick up Angel. It takes me a good 20 minutes to get him to even answer his phone, and when he does, he says “OK, I’ll go ask so n so.”
I didn’t call my sister back yet, because I was waiting for him to call me back to tell me if he was going on not. When he finally did show up over here, I was doing dishes and I told him to call my sister and let her know that he was coming.
I guess he got yelled at while he was picking up the boy, came back and tells me, your sister’s mad at you.
ok…wtf did I do?
So, I called her and she gave me an earful, and I let her rant.
I’m still not sure what I did wrong, other than not calling her right back and for not responding quick enough to her demand that someone come pick Angel up.
Anyway, the night progresses.
I plug in the phone because it’s dead. I get a few txt messages, and I assume that it’s from Twitter because I get a bunch of twitter messages every night.
When I finally check my phone, there are 3 messages from Mj’s phone.
Nicole’s phone isn’t working. Can she borrow $30. And, Never Mind, I won’t bother you ever again.
I called my sister to find out what was going on, and got bitched at some more.
Also, I guess FB wasn’t delivering IM’s because she said she’d been trying to talk to me for the last 3 hours. I got no messages.
I offered her the password/login info for my account so she could check.
Also, I have a total of $5 to my name, but she can have it if she wants.
None of this is good enough, she’s still pissed off at me, I’m a terrible person who is never there for her, and she is always there for me.
Also, according to her status messages on FB which I now know were directed at me.
“FuNNy HoW tHe oNe PerSoN yOu aLwAyS heLp oUt, waNtS tO HiDe oR iGnoRe Me wHeN I NeeD soMthiNg! #fuckoffiM doNe”
“MeBe I jUsT NeeD tO LiVe iN FaNtAsY LaNd LiKe sOMe PeOpLe”
Yay, fun times. So, I live in a fantasy land, I’m sure I know what that’s about and I suck in a really fucking bad way.
Today has been craptacular, I’m upset and there isn’t really anything to say or do about it.