Well, our King chose to bring the other topic back to some semblance of a conversation, and, I want to reply.. Though, I think that I really only want to focus on one of my totems right now.. I think that I am ready to share about the snake…
The snake came to me, this year, after my dad passed.. It took me some time to figure it out, this is the blog entry that I made about it….
“”ok guys, have a little bit of a (problem) as, I can’t think of a more suitable word for it…..For the last few days, when I’ve tried to meditate, I get the same image.It may help, so, I’ll explain…..I see a red light, and, I follow it, (feel somewhat compelled to do so), and, the light leads to a door, the doorway is dark, and when the light gets there, it surrounds the doorway…(At this point it looks like a dark doorway that is surrounded by a red light)…I wait, and, from the door….appears an eye…..I talked to someone about this last night, and, he feels that this may be a sign from my animal guardian….the eye, is that of a snake…..Ok, for those of you who don’t know, I’m scared, (horrified, mortified….etc…) of snakes…Makes me a great deal uncomfortable…my skin is still all creepy crawly about all of this….. Continue reading »